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Orodromeus is a small ornuthopod dinosaur from Campanian North America at the Late Cretaceous period.

Dinosaur Planet (2003)[]

History and Design


A herd of Orodromeus appear in the episode Little Das’s Hunt shown to live in herds and are hunted by a pack of Stenonychosaurus (called Troodon by Christian Slater in the episode). The lookout Orodromeus spots the small troodontids and wails a distress call. The Orodromeus scatter and flee, and the Stenonychosaurus race after them, but stop and abandon the hunt when geysers erupt from the ground. Later, the Orodromeus are seen drinking from a boiling lake. Some were also seen dead right when the volcano started to erupt.


Orodromeus should have feathers, but this is debatable.

Cultural Significance

