Paleo Media Wiki

Ancylotherium is a genus of Chalicotheres that roamed Eurasia and Africa during the Miocene and Pleistocene epochs. Like some of its relatives, Ancylotherium walked on the palms of its hands and looked somewhat like a horse. It had a horizontal back, long neck, low skull, long arms with big claws and short legs. It lived in the ancient Savannahs of Eurasia and Africa, where it evolved to eat grass and leaves from trees. They co-existed in Africa with our ancient ancestors. Like all other chalicotheres, they became extinct.

Gene Diver (1994)[]

History and Design



Cultural Significance


Trilogy of Life (2001-03)[]

alking with Beasts features an Ancylotherium in one of its episodes, while stock footage from Walking with Beasts is also used for Walking with Cavemen's first episode.

The species is Ancylotherium hennigi since it is shown in Africa. The other species lived in Eurasia.

History and Design:


Ancylotherium first appeared in Walking with Beasts, later being featured as Stock footage in Walking with Cavemen. It is a re-texture of the Chalicotherium from an earlier episode with slight edits made to the model, most notably the hands which seem to be simply hooved hands rather than the clawed ones of the Chalicotherium. The Ancylotherium is golden in coloration, with a white counter-shaded underside. The lower arm and leg are black in color however the hands and feet seem to revert back to a lighter color. The face has a black mask on it, however the cheeks are white and it has large white stripes running along on its back.


  • The skull is too high
  • The neck is too short
  • The back has a sloping/gorilla posture rather than a horizontal one.
  • The arms are too long
  • It lacks claws, instead having bumps for claws
  • The legs are too short

It is present as a side creature featured on the screen for a few minutes, essentially a filler perhaps? It is first shown as a small herd appearing out of the jungle around the savannah. They travel towards the small lake to drink alongside the Australopithecus. After that they are shown in a mixed group of Ancylotherium and Australopithecus. One Ancylotherium was feeding on fruits lying on the ground, however an Australopithecus showed up and decided to scare it away so that it could have the fruits for itself.

Out of the Cradle (2018)[]

The species is Ancylotherium hennigi since it is shown in Africa. The other species lived in Eurasia.

History and Design:
It only makes a two-second cameo. Its design is based on that of the Okapi.


It is a cameo animal that appears for a few seconds and is gone the next.
